The following references represent a selection of papers that we have published as a result of our ongoing headache research.
Kernick D, Reinhold D. The prevalence and treatment of headache sufficient to impact on the quality of life of undergraduate students. Current Medical Research and Opinion 2002;18(6):462-464.
Kernick D, Reinhold D. Identifying and managing the unmet needs of headache sufferers in general practice. Headache Care 2004;1(2):141-145.
Kernick D. Developing intermediate care provided by General Practitioners with a special interest: the economic perspective. British Journal of General Practice 2003;53:553-56.
Belam J,Harris G, Kernick D et al. A qualitative study of migraine involving patient researchers. British Journal of General Practice 2005;55:87-93.
Kernick D. A descriptive study of an intermediate care headache clinic delivered by general practitioners with a special interest. Headache Care 2005;2(2):101-104.
Kernick D. Migraine – new perspectives from chaos theory. Cephalalgia 2005:25;561-566.
Kernick D. Developing a research agenda in headache service delivery: proceed with caution. Cephalalgia 2007;27: 289-293.
Hamilton W, Kernick D. Clinical features of primary brain tumours: a case-control study using electronic primary care records. British Journal General Practice 2007;57:695-699.
Kernick D, Stapley S, Hamilton W. GPs classification of headache: is primary headache underdiagnosed? Br J Gen Pract 2008;58:102-104.
Kernick D, Ahmed F, Bahra et al. Imaging patients with suspected brain tumour. Guidance for general practitioners. British Journal General Practice 2008;58:880-885.
Kernick D, Reinhold D. Children and adolescents with headache. What do they need? J. Headache and pain 2008;9(4):225-231.
Kernick D, Stapley S, Goadsby P, Hamilton W. What happens to new onset headache presented to primary care? A case-cohort study using electronic primary care records. Cephalalgia 2008;28:1188-95.
Kernick D, Campbell JC. Measuring the impact of headache in children: a critical review of the literature. Cephalalgia 2009;29:3-16.
Kernick D, Reinhold D, Campbell J. The impact of headache in a school population. BJGP 2009;59(566):678-81.
Kernick D, Stapley S, Campbell J, Hamilton W. What happens to new onset headache in children that present to primary care? A case-cohort study using electronic primary care records. Cephalalgia 2009;29(12):1311-6.
Kernick D, Goadsby P. Guidelines for headache in sport. Cephalalgia 2010;31:106-111.
Ridsdale L, Kernick D. Improving management in primary care. Report of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Primary Headache disorders. Page 4-7. House of Commons, London, 2010.
Kernick D. UK Health Service research in Headache Page 20-21. Report of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Primary Headache disorders. Page 4-7. House of Commons, London, 2010.
Kernick D, Williams S. Should GPs have direct access to neuroradiological investigation when adults present with headache. British Journal of General Practice 2011;61:409-411.
Kernick D, Reinhold D, Stone C. A qualitative study of headache in school children. British Journal of School Nursing. 2011; 6(7): 337–41.
Elliott S, Kernick D. Why do GPs with a special interest in headache investigate headache presentations with neuroradiology and what do they find? Headache Pain 2011; 12:625-628
Dekker F, Neven A, Andriesse B, Kernick D et al. Prophylactic treatment of migraine by general practitioners. A qualitative study. BJGP 2012; 62:194-195
Kernick D, From simple to chaotic. A theoretical model for multimorbidity. From simple to chaotic. Br J Gen Pract. 2012; 62:659-62
Kennis K, Kernick D, O’Flynn N. Diagnosis and management of headache in young people and adults. BJGP 2013; 63:443-445.
Kernick D, Chew C, O’Flynn. Clinical assessment and management of multimorbidity. BJGP 2017; 67:235-236
Kernick D, Lambru G. Managing post-traumatic headache: guidance for primary care. British Journal of General Practice 2020; 70 (695):308-309
Oxford University Press Manual of Headache, (Eds Kernick D, Goadsby P) 2008.
Book Chapters
Hopkins M, Kernick D. Brain tumour. In Cancer diagnosis in primary care, Eds
(Hamilton W and Peters M). Churchill Livingstone; London: 2007.
Kernick D. Leading in complex environments. In Swanick T, McKimm J. Eds. ABC clinical leadership. BMJ books; London;2010.
Kernick D. Headache. In Burton C Ed. ABC unexplained medical symptoms. BMJ books; London; 2013.
Kernick. D. Children’s headache in Primary care. In Childhood Headache. Ed Abu-Arafeh I. MacKeith press; London:2013.